Conservation planners and practitioners increasingly wonder how they should revise conservation strategies in the face of the unprecedented threat to biodiversity from climate change. One key step is to consider the relatively consistent spatial patterns that characterize the “geography of climate exposure and resilience”. A qualitative understanding of these patterns can help planners craft conservation strategies that are more resilient to uncertainty regarding the future intensity of climate change.
The Climate Resilience Data Explorer is a web application that allows users to view, summarize, and generate reports regarding 10 key metrics related to climate resilience. The goals of this Climate Resilience Data Explorer are to familiarize users with climate resilience concepts, explore information resources that can help conservation practitioners enhance climate resilience and connectivity and address climate change threats in the context of regional planning, and to support conservation management that increases the adaptive capacity of the landscape and its ability to support native species and ecosystems into the future by protecting areas which play a key role in facilitating climate adaptation and mitigation.
Figure 1. Screenshot of application's climate metric explorer which allows viewing and report generation for North America's watersheds. |
Cite this app and the reports generated from it as:
Beckers J, Carroll C. 2020. Adaptwest climate resilience data explorer. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3824538
For further information and
citation refer to:
Carroll C, Noss RF. 2020. Rewilding in the face of climate change. Conservation Biology (Early View). doi: 10.1111/cobi.13531.
Development of this application was supported by AdaptWest (with support from the Wilburforce Foundation) and the Canadian Forest Service of Natural Resources Canada.